jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

when I finished the school did not know what to study I was very disoriented and take any decision was impossible and so  difficult for me. finally this year I was not take the choose about what I will study, so I decided to wait another year. in this year I worked and study. when the year was over I was in  the same situation. I don't know what to do. my brother help me a lot. he advise and support me. He told me " look this degree, have everything you wont" I don't know anything about the geography but when I read more about it, I liked so much and   my PSU score was necessary to postulate. so I did! . and in almost two years I've been studying geography do I not regret I've met great people and friends. what I like about geography is that it is multidisciplinary and complete degree  also you can to visit places, That also makes the geography a interesting degree.
when I finished to study I hope to work in something whit a physical geography. but anyway if I have to work in others areas I don't care so much I will be happy anyway.

miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014

when I was a child, I dont had many friends, did not know of any kid in the neighborhood.But this changed when entering kindergarten. I met there who was my best friend until age 10. His name was Camilla lizama It was very pale  and had a long brown hair. I remember we played with dolls at breaks  and we were always together, also armed ourselves castles with legos. Her mom take us to the cinema,to eat ice cream, and take lunch in their home. 
She went when we were 10, she went to live far away, I do not remember where, neither remember having suffered or miss her,but in my memory stick that we were great friends.
I think if camila would not have been to go we would still be good friends but not would play with dolls jaja
 Recently look on facebook and not found it. I have no idea about her. i hope she be happy today.
after she left I met who are my best friends today are also my childhood friends,with the difference that they still they are my best friends  and I hope not to lose any of these friends because they have become very important people to me <3
One of the things that cost me more in life and I feel very proud, because I felt really anxious and at some point decided to give up, was passing math in college.never in my life I've been good at math
until make a sum is hard to me jaja .
Well the story starts when the first semester and I failed the course so needed to pass the course next semester, but like math was not my thing, when almost finished the course and was almost reproving notice I needed 60 to 70 to approve.when I knew I give up because my previous notes were terrible, 20, 30 a while gave the asignature for lost, something I have not mentioned, if fail the course was to leave geography.I need to have a 60 or 70, and for me have this maek  was impossible, but I really wanted to stay in college, it was the end of the semester and had a thousand things to be done for different subjects, but I decided to study and pass the course. study two weeks in advance and finally got the notes he needed me to stay in geography. Rather than pass the course I felt proud because I forced myself to something that I wanted and I dont really cost too much, I surpassed my ability and everything worked well. and I do not want to do anymore an equation

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

The last concert I went was in Mayo, in the mother day, my mother is a big fan of Jorge Drexler, and like its " her day" my brothers and my invited her to see the concert, obviously that we were together, the concert was really great, the sound was perfect and also play another singers, like Anita Tijoux, and Nano Stern. The only wrong was the place where we sit, so upstairs jaja, like the concert was in the Teatro Caupolicán and this place have a tiny chair, was very uncomfortable, for example, when someone want to go to the bathroom, everybody have to raise and stay so closer to the sit. very awkward. but this inconvenient don't import the same way was a beautiful familiar day, in fact, my mom almost cry by the happiness. she said :" was a perfect gift".
personality I'm  not the big fan of Jorge Drexler,  I only listen his music when  I'm a more child or I'm sad and melancholic, but after the concert I have to listen his songs for a week, because my mom and brothers  put the album all day. I remember with so much love this day because was the first concert ( and unique until now) where we were in family <3

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

The last book I read was " El escritor de epitafios", writing by Hernán Rivera Letelier this is a Chilean Author, and singer. El escritor de epitafios is a novel,the book is about a writer who pass so much time in a coffee store reading and  talks about angels and the how impossible it would be if they had wings and fly, because that minds that would have a big  musculature, well, this writer epitaphs thought like this until see a " angel" in a coffee shop, this angel are a young gothic and skinny  girl who talks about dead and darkness thing, after a while to meet this girl, she get change the life of the writer, left him alone and disappearing overnight, what causes a deep change and despair in the writer.
 Now I reading " Los detectives salvajes" by Roberto Bolaño, but boring me, so maybe I stop to reading this book. Really I prefer read novels that anything, poems are so short and boring me, maybe I don't understands, anyway,this book is not  the unique book that I read of this author and neither the best, about Hernán Rivera Leterlier I liked " La contadora de películas", " Santa María de las flores negras" and the best is " El arte de la resurección" That's is about a " new Jesus" who is very funny and singular, all books writer by this author talk about  of the life in north of Chile and the salt- flats. is a my favorite Chilean writer.

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

I don't like to mucho the Fiestas Patrias, maybe  because with my family don't celebrate nothing, although the same put a Chilean flag in the windows. really in this week just try to stay together and eat something tasty, take advantage of the free days, and obviously make a barbecue and something to drink . we pass a good family moment, but not celebrate anything. for example the last year nobody was in home for the Chilean national holiday so I have to go out with mi friend to a bit like a summer fair and maybe  this time was the first time that I was " celebrate" this day. because I played " Rayuela" one of the nationals plays and obviously  I lost  but was so funny. I drank  so much, although mi biggest brothers do the best terremotos  and mom do the best pie of meat.
I don't remember any years in especially, but each year we try to pass a good moment or take a little trip to the beach or a beautiful place with the pets and parents
about to the rodeos I really think this is sick because only a sick enjoyed see a fighting bulls, see the blood and want to look suffering  animals and  I think the same for the people that who assist to the San Fermin party.
I hope this years will be a great 18 of September and hope eat and drink  so much, to fly a kite and  play rayuela again

jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014

Hello everybody  to day I will tell about my family meets, this familiar reunion  are habitually in my house, I don't know why but always are so boring, also my cousins almost never go because the most part of they don't live in Chile and I  don't have grandparent so the only persons who go to this meet are my uncles.
The only good reason for meeting whit all my family is the food, the food never disappoint me because its my mom who cooking and she cooking very delicious in top its abundant. Always did barbeques or empanadas over sixty for 7, 8 persons! the drink its amazing too
 Really we don't  meet much, in fact I see my uncles two times in the year in 18 the September and Christmas day  or in new year. I prefer share whit my near family, my mom, father, two brothers and my pets. we pass betters moments together.
maybe if my cousins will come everything  will be different
in the picture appear my closer family celebrate new year (: